You Deserve Rest, Mama

When I was pregnant, I would nap all of the time. I took luxurious, middle of the day, afternoon sunlight dappled naps like it was my job. And to be honest I considered it to be just that. Taking care of my body, which included getting a lot of rest, was something that I took very seriously while I was pregnant. Rest may not look the same way it did while you were pregnant, but you are still just as deserving.

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4 Techniques for Relieving Upper Back & Neck Tension

Had a baby, and feeling a literal pain in your neck? You're not alone. This is one of the most common complaints among our postpartum students. Whole Mama Yoga Collective teacher Mary shares 4 simple techniques for relieving upper back & neck tension that you can start doing today!

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(Lack of) Sleep, New Motherhood, and Avidya

In yoga philosophy, the kleshas are the obstacles to our enlightenment or the causes of our suffering. There are 5 of them. Avidya, wrong-seeing, is the first one. Avidya can translate to misconceptions, misunderstandings, or incorrect knowledge. While yogic thinking does not specifically point to emotions or talk about self-care, these things often play an important role in avidya.

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