3 Myths about Rest

3 Myths about Rest 

And why those myths should be challenged.

When I think of rest, the first thing that comes to mind is how many things can get in the way of getting it. We can face so many logistical barriers to rest while balancing all our roles and responsibilities. Add a new pregnancy or newborn to the mix, and the list of barriers can really blossom. 

But, logistical barriers aren’t the only thing that get in the way of rest. Many of us struggle with internal barriers. Our beliefs about rest– for example –can seriously get in the way. 

There are three myths I have often encountered and am ready to part with:

  1. You need to earn rest. Cousins of this myth include, “I don’t deserve rest” or “I haven’t gotten enough done to rest.” 

  2. Taking time to rest is selfish

  3. Rest needs to be some big, luxurious thing. 

Challenging these myths has been essential to developing sustainable self-care practices and ways to rest into my day-to-day routines. 

It has also been helpful to remember that beliefs aren’t random. They can be powerfully reinforced by our families, friends, work environments, sociocultural attitudes, and more—and for this reason, letting go of them can be a challenging and ongoing process.  

Yet, by starting to notice the beliefs that get in the way of our ability to rest, we give ourselves the ability to look closely at them and decide if holding on to them truly serves us. From there, we might find beliefs we can let go of in order to find more space for rest in our daily lives.  

So, what myths about rest would you add to the list?
